
Halo Recruit instal
Halo Recruit instal

Halo Recruit instal

If the full game feels this solid and polished it should be a killer of a game. Just focus on gunplay and not on the fact you’re only shooting targets on a 2D screen. Often holding and firing a gun in VR feels awkward and disconnected but not with this. The gunplay, as short as it, is the best I’ve felt in VR yet. Maybe it is because it is native or has so little going on that efficient programming was easy but I’m really impressed with how solid, smooth and accurate the mechanics are. It is not a game, it is a 10 minute tease to whet our appetites about the possibility of a full Halo VR game and in this respect it hits the mark. To judge it as a game is missing the point. I decided to give it a spin last night and my take on this app is completely different. After seeing several VR talking heads dump all over it, I had never bothered to download Halo Recruit.

Halo Recruit instal